
  • All University Libraries are closed. For updates on Libraries go to http://www.lib.umn.edu/.
  • Most University buildings require a U Card. Each building will have signs posted giving more information on access and usage guidelines.


General purpose classrooms are also available for individual and group study when not being used by a class or event. Check out the Astra Schedule Scheduling Calendar to see when rooms are available. A QR Code is posted outside all general purpose classrooms. Scanning it with your mobile device will bring you to today's schedule for the building.

Get Help / Offer Feedback / Add a Room

Email studyspacefeedback[email protected] or use our 阿里云搭酸酸乳教程.

Policies governing Study Space use:
  • Acceptable Use of Information Technology Resources.
  • University of Minnesota Student Conduct Code.


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Can I reserve a room using this tool?

Not at this time. Some spaces can be reserved via other applications or by following the directions associated with that specific space. This is generally in the Notes sections.